Youth Coed Lacrosse League
Sessions Starting Soon
Ages: 5-16
Easy to learn, challenging to master, come out and learn one of the fastest game on two feet.
The Game
What is Lacrosse?
Lacrosse is widely recognized as one of the oldest organized sports in North America, and has a rich culture. The game originated with Indigenous peoples of North America in the 1100’s, and has been played continuously since. Known as "the Creator’s Game" by many Native American tribes, Lacrosse was played for both recreational and ceremonial purposes and was seen as a spiritual activity meant to heal, resolve conflict, and bring communities together
What’s it Like?
Lacrosse is a fast-paced team sport played with a small rubber ball (about the size and weight of a baseball) and a long-handled stick called a crosse or lacrosse stick. Players advance the ball downfield passing and catching with their stick, ultimately trying to shoot the ball into a goal. If a pass is missed, knocked away, or dropped players must scoop the ground ball up without touching the ball with their hands.
In its full form, Lacrosse is a full contact, high skill, sport. It is easy to learn with transferable skills to nearly every sport. Lacrosse offers on the fly substitutions (like hockey) full field play and transitions (like soccer), offense and defensive themes similar to basketball, hockey, and soccer, full contact play similar to football without such violent collisions. There are four main gameplay styles:
- Men's Field - outdoor full contact ( 10 v 10 )
- Box - played on a roller hockey rink, even more contact ( 6 v 6 )
- Sixes - an outdoor hybrid of Men's Field and Box ( 6 v 6 )
- Women’s Field - outdoor limited/light contact ( 12 v 12 )
What are we playing
Our current youth program is playingstarting with a modified, no contact, version of lacrosse called Flex 6 (not to be confused with "Sixes").
As our program matures we will plan to offer the more familiar, contact version of lacrosse while continuing to offer flex-6 for our younger or less seasoned players.
Benefits of Flex 6:
- Teams play 3 v 3 in 6U and 8U with 10U/12U able to accommodate up to 6v6 based on league enrollment and field size.
- Gameplay emphasis is on the fundamentals (scooping ground balls, passing, catching, cradling, and field position play).
- We will use a tennis ball in place of standard lacrosse ball which allows kids the opportunity to gain confidence in passing and catching without the fear of getting hit with a hard lacrosse ball.
- Increased safety for our young athletes as there is no hard contact and no checking allowing them to gain skill and confidence with their passing and catching.
- No checking and only very light body contact so no need for full pads, just a stick and cleats
Required Equipment
Our Current program is a lex 6 league with no contact. The only required gear is a: