Small Sided - Developmental League U4-U14
League dates: 5/3 - 6/28
Organized Teams (Team ONLY)
6 games + championship
(Trophies, Medal for 1st, and Medal for 2nd place teams)
$59 Per player
$20 TSP Annual Player Pass
Max Roster Size for ALL age groups is 12 players.

FIELD 55 X 35 yards, penalty area (30'w x 24'd), goals (6' x 12')
BALL sizes: Size 3 for ages U6 and under. Size 4 for ages U12 and under. Size 5 for ages U14. Home team on schedule supplies game ball.
Number of Players - Min 6, Max 12 players on roster.
Games are played with five field players and a goalie, minimum number of players on the field to start a game is four.
Contact Info:
League Director - Luis Cortez
[email protected]